Letters from the Outer Shell

Templates Calculus I

In the previous article I have touched on the idea that you can build a Lisp-like language on top of C++ templates and type system. Whether any Lisp is a true functional language is a questionable question and can lead to some skirmishes. But the templates are functional, no doubt. I was wondering if it would be possible to build a calculus on top of templates with just types, and how far this can be pushed.


Lambda calculus is the smallest programming language. It was introduced by the mathematician Alonzo Church in the 1930s as part of his research into the foundations of mathematics. Despite not having numbers, strings, booleans, or any non-function datatype, lambda calculus can be used to represent any Turing Machine. Lambda calculus is composed of 3 elements: variables, functions, and applications:

Variablexa variable named x
Functionλx.ya function with parameter x and body y
Application(λx.y)acalling the function λx.y with argument a

In templates calculus this would look like this:

VariableTa variable named T
Functiontemplate<typename T>
struct f { using type = U; }
a function with parameter T and body U
Applicationf<X>::typecalling the function f with argument X

The most basic function is the identity function: λx.x which is equivalent to f(x) = x. The first x is the function’s argument, and the second is the body of the function. In templates this looks as following:

template<typename T> identity { using type = T; };

The notions of free and bound variables in templates calculus is identical to lambda calculus. Evaluation in templates calculus is delegated to C++ compiler templates solver.


Lambda calculus traditionally supports only single parameter functions, we can create multi-parameter functions using a technique called currying, which simply points to the following property:

λxyz ≡ λx.λy.λz

Which is a fancy way of saying that a function of N arguments can be replaced with a function of 1 argument returning a function of 1 argument and so forth. C++ is somewhat rigid in its syntax, so let’s start small and curry a function of 2 arguments first:

template<template<typename, typename> typename F>
struct curry {
  template<typename T> struct _1 {

    template<typename U> struct _2 {
      using type = typename P<T, U>::type;

    template<typename U> using type = _2<U>;

  template<typename T> using type = _1<T>;

What happens here is that struct curry declares an inner class _1 containing another inner class _2, specialising the original T and U template arguments respectively. Notice that instead of naming those inner types simply as type they have different names. This is because C++ does not allow nested types having the same names as the enclosing types. But it is perfectly fine with type alias having the same name. Go figure. This struct curry can be used like this:

struct Jupiter, Thebe, Io, Europa

template<class T, class U> struct product { using type = std::tuple<T, U>; };

// result is list<std::tuple<Jupiter, Thebe>,
//                std::tuple<Jupiter, Io>,
//                std::tuple<Jupiter, Europa>>
map<curry<product>::type<Jupiter>::type, list<Thebe, Io, Europa>>;

You can see that with currying it is possible to use all the functions from the previous article like map or filter, passing in functions of any arity, by partially applying to them already known values. To curry functions of more than 2 arguments you would have to create curry template structs for the required arity, as it was shown previously.


Before we start doing arithmetic with templates calculus we need to defined what numbers are. Recall that there are no numbers in lambda calculus, just functions, same goes for templates calculus. But there is a way to encode natural numbers using Church encoding with higher-order functions. The idea behind the encoding is remarkably simple, any natural numbers is equivalent to the number of function f applications, for instance this is zero:

λfz.z // same as λf.(λz.z)

Here, zero is a function that accepts another function and something else, and evaluates to that something else. This is zero because function f was applied 0 times. This is how numerals from 1 to 3 would look like:

λfz.f(z)        // 1, because f is applied once
λfz.f(f(z))     // 2, because f is applied twice
λfz.f(f(f(z)))  // 3, because f is applied three times

In templates calculus the same can be expressed the following way:

template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z>
struct _0 { using type = Z; };

template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z>
struct _1 { using type = typename F<Z>::type; };

template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z>
struct _2 { using type = typename F<typename F<Z>::type>::type; };

template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z>
struct _3 { using type = typename F<typename F<typename F<Z>::type>::type>::type; };


Defining numbers as described above is somewhat verbose in both calculi, so we need to create a bit more machinery. What about a successor function, a function that takes a number and evaluates to a number that immediately follows it. Lambda calculus:


If you apply this function to the zero function you will get the following:

(λwyx.y(wyx))(λsz.z) = λyx.y((λsz.z)yx) = λyx.y((λz.z)x) = λyx.y(x) ≡ 1

And if you mentally rename y to f and x to z in the resulting function you will see that it is equivalent to the function 1. In templates calculus the successor function is:

template<template<template<typename> typename, typename> typename W>
struct successor {
  template<template<typename> typename Y, typename X> using type = F<W<F,Z>>;

The numerals from 0 to 3 are written this way:

template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z> using _0 = Z;
template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z> using _1 = successor<_0>::type<F,Z>;
template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z> using _2 = successor<_1>::type<F,Z>;
template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z> using _3 = successor<_3>::type<F,Z>;

Verifying this result is somewhat difficult, since you need a decoder for Church numerals to convert them into Arabic decimal numerals. You can use this C++ counter trick:

template<typename T> struct counter {

 using type = T;

 static constexpr int value () {
   if constexpr (std::is_same_v<void, T) { return 1; }
   else { return T::value() + 1; }

// prints 3
std::cout << _3<counter, void>::value() << std::endl;


Let’s say we want to add 2 and 3. Within our current model the result of this computation would be invoking successor function 2 times over function 3. In lambda calculus this expression is as follows:


    2        successor      3

By substituting all occurrences of f with successor and z with function 3 we get:

(λwyx.y(wyx)) ( (λwyx.y(wyx)) (λgv.g(g(gv))) )

   successor      successor         3

Unfortunately the following won’t work in C++, because a templates calculus numeral expects a function of one template template argument, but successor single argument is of much more complex template layout:

// error: template template argument has different template parameters
          than its corresponding template template parameter
_2<successor, _3>;

Luckily there is another way. If you look at the numerals’ signatures you will see that the second parameter is called Z and it kinda means zero, so if you place other numeral there you would get addition:

template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z> using _5 = _2<F, _3<F,Z>>;

To generalise a bit more:

template<template<template<typename> typename, typename> typename L,
         template<template<typename> typename, typename> typename R>
struct add {
  template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z> using type = L<F, R<F,Z>>;

template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z> using _5 = add<_2,_3>::type<F,Z>;


Multiplication can be done in the same vein as the addition:

template<template<template<typename> typename, typename> typename L,
         template<template<typename> typename, typename> typename R>
struct multiply {
  template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z>
  using type = L<R, Z>;

But this won’t compile because numerals expect two arguments, and the first argument is a function of one argument, which means you cannot simply pass numeral to a numeral as argument. This is where we need to use currying, though the function described above won’t fit here, we need to make it work for template template parameters:

template<template<template<typename> typename, typename> typename F>
struct curry {
  template<template<typename> typename T> struct _1 {

    template<typename U> struct _2 {
      using type = F<T, U>;

    template<typename U> using type = typename _2<U>::type;

  template<template<typename> typename T> using type = _1<T>;

And finally multiplication looks like this:

template<template<template<typename> typename, typename> typename L,
         template<template<typename> typename, typename> typename R>
struct multiply {
  template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z>
  using type = L<curry<R>::template type<F>::template type, Z>;

template<template<typename> typename F, typename Z>
using _21 = multiply<_3, _7>::type<F, Z>;

Phew, that’s a lot of templates. Next time I might elaborate on conditionals, recursions, data-structures and so forth. Till the next time, cheers!

· c++, templates, type-system, calculus